Oh, how I love this time of year...The fresh pumpkin bread, fall crafts, and evenings full of Christmas knitting. Is it so horrible of me to think, "I could take most of my Halloween stuff down today, and get a leg up on the next holiday". No, I didn't think so either. I don't think I will actually do that though. With the rain coming down outside my window, baking oatmeal cookies sounds more like it. This cozy, snuggle up feeling that comes from my favorite season can't be beat. The fact that Lance has been home for more than a month, and it doesn't look as if he will be going to WY anytime soon, helps tremendously. Knowing that I get to share "chilly outside/warm arms around me inside" evenings with my man, makes it all the more cozy...OK, I'll stop being mushy, I can only take so much of it myself!
Things on my mind: microwave use and dishwasher efficiency.
Posts to come...
Lance and the girls, Friday night wrestling...
1 comment:
I've gone back and forth on dishwasher vs. hand washing. I'd love to see your thoughts on this.
High efficiency dishwaster uses less water....but more energy?
Dishwasher sanitizes....but the inside is all plastic and now makes me nervous, especially given all the hoopla over hot plastic stuff....
My husband and I are actually looking at these things now too!!!!! I wanted to hand wash but he weighed all the water usage.
Um...we actually bickered over how little water we could get away with in the washing machine. How far we are a'comin! Shannon
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