Some of my favorite things: being Mama, sewing, painting, walking on the beach, ballet and tap dancing. These truly are my favorite things. I could add more to the list, like being with dear friends, camping, drinking my morning tea. But I think the first list pretty much sums me up. Where is this going you ask? Just wanting to share my favorite things and to kick you over to my other blog, Craft-Crazy. Although I am not showing many of my current projects (they are Christmas presents you know) there are many past ones posted.
As my childcare career is slowing down, I want to find another way to be the PTO Mom and also have an income. Having me at home with the kids is our first priority, so I don't take this lightly. I know many families deal with this as it is nearly impossible to get by on one income these days.
My painting is a hit and I have people asking for my work, waiting their turn. But I don't think I really want to make this my full-time job. It would pull me away from my kids a bit more than I would like. A job here and there, yah -it is one of my favorite things...I am going to share my thoughts here (isn't that what a blog is?) and tell you what I am thinking. An Etsy Shop. Many people are wanting less mainstream (for very good reason) and more collectible items, made with love and hope for a better future. I know I can provide this. Add it to my painting, and we're in business!
So there you go, a bit of Friday morning rambling...Now I am off to finish my morning cup of tea and sit behind my sewing machine. Like I said, my childcare career is slowing down...frees up my time for more creative ventures.
Photo of a November project, Memory Match games.
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