Our front yard landscape: something I will miss when we move. I sure hope the new owners, whomever they may be, appreciate the goodness happening there. Yes, I say I will miss it, but not too terribly bad. If you follow along here, you will have seen what my man can do with a shovel. I know that at our new place, it will only get better.
I have been watching him look out over the 5 acres we are moving to...and dream. We have big plans folks, big plans. Plans that include a huge garden, green house, potting shed/canning kitchen, cob oven, sweat lodge, ponds, rock gardens...oh, and the animals. Their space is already in place, just needs a bit of love...and no worries there, we have a lot of love to spread.
Farmhouse up-date: We received the key last Friday - Happy Day to us! We were concerned Lance would be out of town for a length of time when this actually happened. Which would have meant he would miss the first camp-out inside the farmhouse. Luckily -that is not how it all went down. We were able to holiday together over the weekend. Yesterday he left for a ten day work load at Glacier National Park, where he is working to keep invasive plant species in check. My job, as soon as I hit the publish button here, is to pack, pack, clean and then pack some more. I will be splitting my time between the townhouse and the farmhouse. I have a few rooms to paint in the farmhouse before I start unpacking there. I definitely can't do it all alone. When Lance gets home, and on his four days off before he heads back, he has 3 egress windows to install and some wall studs to build. Once the studs and windows are in place, I can truly finish my job...but that is another post for another day.