Ours is not just a salsa garden...but the salsa makings are high on my list. I love fresh salsa. I'll put that in bold so perhaps you get the point as to how much I love fresh salsa. Luckily, I have found another source of fresh-enough salsa to satisfy my buds when I don't have my own home-made goodness at hand. Although I know my peppers and tomatoes are not quite ready, I want to just pluck em, chop em and eat em up!
If we're lucky, and I know this sounds really weird, we won't get the chance to fully pick all of our salsa produce. Yah -Huh?- is right. You see, when we planted this garden, we had no idea that the farmhouse would present itself in such a manner. If I am lucky, we will be selling our downtown home of 7/8 years by this fall. If we're lucky that is. I have yet to pack, move and then put our beloved home on the market. I will be content with however it all goes down.
So, besides the occasional ready-to-pick pepper, someone else may be enjoying my freshly picked veggies. At least, I truly hope the new owners will appreciate the garden space we have created. As for now, I will continue enjoying photographing them and dreaming about the salsa garden of next year.
I'll be back tomorrow to share more of our garden goodness...
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