Summer is here...I can say that now that all of our costumes have been made and recitals have been danced. Phew!
Besides sewing costumes like a crazy woman, I have been called such, I have been enjoying my garden. Last night we ate our first big salad from the garden!
Also, when Lance returned home after his long trip away, he rebuilt the pond/bird bath. We had used what we already had in our yard to begin with. Not really being our style of pond, we purchased a pallet of rock to redo it. Much better. The fish are loving the rock ledges and the tadpoles are already getting bigger. We have many birds frequenting the pond now, they are even getting use to us and stick around when we walk by.
Oh, summer...looking forward to you even more. Next on the schedule (besides playing catch-up with house work) is to get our camping gear stocked for next weekend and then again for our big 4th of July trip, Yippie!!!
Click here for more of our updated garden photos...and more dance prop photos.
Your garden is so kickin' my ass!
Between torential storms, hail and hungry bunnies I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm going to have to suck it up and go replace some plants.
Do you have any rabbits? is that what the pots are doing- - protecting? Shan
Ha ha!!! You've got me giggling... Nope, no rabbit or raccoon problems in the downtown area...ha ha ha....going to bed with a chuckle.
Oh and...Thank you Shannon. I do love my garden. Such fun watching it sprout and grow. Lots of plans for next year. Perhaps next year will be in the country somewhere. Well, cheers to high hopes! Actually, with the housing market the way it is, I just may get to see next year in this garden space again, and I am telling myself that that is OK...
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