Playing a tattoo game with Sunshine and friends...can you guess the bloggers behind the tats? It was a lot harder then I thought it would be. I could only really guess at one. I am looking forward to meeting these other tattooed bloggers...
The story behind my tat...I never really wanted a tattoo. That is, before my brother, Sam, started with his body ink. You could say we have brother-sister tattoos.
To me, my tattoo means strength and fortitude. The water, rock, Koi and cherry blossoms pull all four elements together, with each blossom representing one of my daughters and the Koi, love and affection.
Check out my inking photos here. Although I need to update this photo file (my brother has more ink to share) you can still get an idea of how my four hour sitting went...
I just love the way it has a great meaning to you! Best kind of tattoo to have.
P.S. I've been called "Myshell" in my life. I spell my first name with an "s" instead of a "c". You too?
Both yours and your brothers are so bright and beautiful, as is the meaning behind it.
I love when tattoo's have meaning behind them. That's a cool idea to document the process with photos. I've heard that foot tattoos hurt the worst, though. Is it true?
That's a great tattoo. I love all the beautiful colors.
Hey celticbuffy, this is the only tattoo I have, so I don't have another to compare it to. I didn't think it was too bad. I can think of other places to get tats that would seem to hurt more...
Yah Mishi, my name is spelt with a "c", I like to the y and s much more. If I had had another baby girl her middle name would have been Myshell.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
Oh, lovin the story! I have ink envy when I look at yours. It is truly amazing! Shan
Thanks Shannon. I want to add to it sometime, thinking sun rays over the rock...or more water...who knows!
myshell, having a tat with long term and special meaning is art.
my oldest son, however, has one (guy with brush cut flexing his muscles) that will come back to haunt him when he's 85-years old, bald and can't open a pickle jar.
Awesome! Cool flickr set, too. :D
I love lush Japanese style tattoos!
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