Color Your World Pink started as a way to stay connected with friends and family. I was inspired to do so by my Mom and Aunt Lisa who blogged their journey across the Southern States. I wasn't completely new to the blogosphere world, the idea of me actually having one just never occurred. Color Your World Pink was first open to invite reads only. But, as I started searching and reading other blogs, I decided I wanted in on the blogging action. I really feel people underestimate the power blogging carries. The opportunity it provides to connect people across the world is quite mind boggling.
I started with Color Your World Pink, then as my brother, Sam, was restoring a 356 Porsche and had me documenting I thought, "A blog would be perfect for this!" and that become
My 356 Restoration. If you haven't yet, go check it out. The blog is completely photo only and you would never know by looking at them that the shop photographed is the very one I grew up hanging out in. A VW shop that sits on Main Street in our Old Downtown district. My brothers and I had the run of Main St. Sure, we got into trouble, but we knew the shop keepers that were friendly and the ones we stayed away the grumpy old jeweler in a little, musty closet of a shop. Looking back now, he was probably a cool old guy. Anyway, these photos hold dear to me on many levels. Provokes thoughts of childhood, simpler times and also gratefulness for what we had and now hold. A family business that has kept and sustained us. Yep, the smell of carb cleaner will always take me back.
Shortly after, another "Myshell" blog was born,
Craft-Crazy-Thrift-Spinner. I find it funny the blog I frequent the most, was the last thought of. I have always loved handcraft, my first blog reads were craft dedicated ones. Sewing, in particular, has always been an element in my life. I turn to it when I am happy or sad, overflowing with inspiration or lacking of. My happy space -full of light, color and the smell of starch. An open notebook, colored pencils and cup of coffee is an excellent way to spend an afternoon. Especially if you have young ones next to you with pencil in hand. Just a fountain of inspiration there. At
Craft-Crazy you'll find old and new projects of mine. I'm not a tutorial writer, more of a show and teller. It's a showcase of my crafty skills...from cake baking to knitting (I'm a lousy knitter!) to
Where am I going with all this you might ask...I would too.
At times I feel much more inclined to hang out at
Craft-Crazy and neglect my writing here, which is something I also enjoy but must make time for, where sewing/crafting just happens. I have thought of combining the two blogs, Pink and Craft-Crazy, but dismissed the idea immediately. Instead, I have enlisted help. Help from my amazing, yet reluctant, husband who says blogging is too open. He's not a very social guy at all...which is kinda funny cause he married me! And if you know me at all, you know I love to connect and be social. You could say we balance each other pretty well. So, after stating my point of view: "What if by blogging what we're doing to lighten our footprint, we inspire others to look more closely at their footprint. Sharing how we built our cold frame or rain barrel could very well connect you to someone who has good advise or questions to help them on their way. You just never know." Finally, I got what every woman loves to hear, "Yah, I guess you're right" ...YES!
So now...I am happy to announce that my awesomely amazing husband will be here with me at times, to help me keep our blog more green minded and not so fluffy. I'm not saying it's the end of my fluff...I like fluff, fluff is good. It's just, Lance's presence will give me the balance and inspirational guidance to keep Color Your World Pink rolling where I would like it to go. That's all.
What can I say, Lance ROCKS! and I want to share more of
him with
Until next ramble...