Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Garden Dinner...

Perfect summer menu: Tacos with veggies from our garden and a margarita...Yum!

Since planting the garden I am keeping a list, if only a mental one, of our favorite meals and what we can/are growing ourselves to make that dinner. A true eye opener as to how much we depend on the local grocers shop and what meals are realistic to find in our small garden...


G. Harrison said...

hi myshell,

you always have a camera nearby.

i recommend you take a peek at carmi's blog @ http://writteninc.blogspot.com/

he does a weekly 'thematic photographic', provides an idea to photograph and then encourages people w cameras to share their work.

very interesting shots appear on a weekly basis.

cheers, gord h.

Myshell said...

Thanks GH...I'll check it out!