Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holiday Dilemmas...

A tad late, but...Happy Thanksgiving to all! I have been busy enjoying my Holiday time off, sewing to my heart's content. I even abandoned the master bath project. Those tiles awaiting sealer aren't going anywhere.

Holiday Dilemma...This upcoming Christmas season brings up many issues. First off, Christmas has turned into one huge spending fest. For a family trying to live with less, this is a problem. The after Thanksgiving spending makes me a bit nauseous. I did not buy one single thing last Friday, successfully leaving "Black Friday" far behind us.

We are talking to our kids about the reason for the season, showing love, compassion, and kindness. Things that should/are done year around. As for the materialistic part of Christmas...I am trying to do less. Making as many Christmas gifts possible. Thinking of the cookie and bread making to come, perhaps some festive holiday fabric bags to put the bread in. Items made with my hands, showing the love and kind thoughts put into each gift. This isn't possible for all, but many.

Our goal of living with less has seeped into many aspects of this holiday (and our kids). Good example of this: I have a small artificial Christmas tree I use for display in our front porch. I brought it in and let the girls have fun decorating it. Afterwords I asked what they would think of us using the small fake tree instead of buying a real tree. Kaziah was quick to answer, "Ya Mom! That would save tons of money!" (can you tell they know spending less money equals moving out to the country sooner?). I am glad she is happy with this small tree and the idea of living with less...not spending the extra money and also not cutting down a tree. BUT, this is A LOT harder for me. I love my Christmas tree! Fresh with sap and pine smell...What will I do? Will a good pine candle replace this? I am quite doubtful...

To put it simply, we are having a small Christmas this year. Perhaps keeping the little tree is best, the small gifts won't seem even smaller when placed under a large tree.....

I guess I can't put it off anymore...Here I go to ready the tile with sealer...I really want to just plop myself down behind my sewing machine and a good, festive beer...Cheers to you and yours!

Our Christmas Tree '06


Going Crunchy said...

Oh, I've been without a connection for days! I realized I've become a blogging junkie!

I've thrown everybody for a loop with my requirements.....prefer no plastics, toys of natural elements, please buy used if possible.

I've found the kids a fantastic puppet stage that I'm getting used from my Library for $15.00. We plan on replacing their train tracks with a wooden set which I'm sure will be a big hit.

We are going smaller for the most part, but it also mostly involves reigning in the relatives and not us. My husbands parents are from Europe, and they do "get" it. They mostly already shop small, don't use plastics as much as possible and have already been aware of the dangers of toys.

Anyway, I'm sure this is the month of all of us posting on this topic, especially us that are new at making big changes. You know.....I've realized that it weighs on me much more then on the kids. Shannon

Anonymous said...

Love the photo Mitch!!! That is a beautiful picture!!! One of my favorite Christmas trees was the year Adee was 2 1/2 & I was prego with Adrian. We decided to do the homemade Christmas tree with paper chains, strung popcorn & cranberries, & homemade, edible gingerbread men. Adee would take off a gingerman, eat off his legs and place him back on the tree. By Christmas morn the bottom of the tree was decorated by half eaten gingerbread men. Absolutely priceless!
Merry Christmas from my house to yours!!

Myshell said...

What a great story Gigimegs! Looking forward to some holiday time together! I'll make you a good drink once Cooper is here, a little beer always helps bring in that milk!