We are a very anti-plastic family. It amazes me that when I forget our cloth bags (I get booed by my children BIG time) how many clerks are irritated when I say "Paper please". Or even more silly -upset that I want to carry our purchases.
Recently, while shopping for another recycle bin, I asked the clerk to put my stuff in the bin and that would be fine...She put the cloth items in and refused to put the other items in the bin! I do not understand this. I wasn't asking her to lift the bin into my car...Ugh!...some people just don't get it! It really is the small things that add up and make a difference.
Sometimes, while in the store, I look around and just want to yell "What are you doing? Can you not see the madness? All the bottled water, little go-gurts, fruit cups...packaging-packaging-packaging...will it never end?!" I will not pretend...my kids have had a go-gurt before. But it is what you do now, that counts. How you can change your perspective, maybe even influence someone else to see the better way to live. Living Green is ALL it's cracked up to be.
What we are teaching our children is the most important part. I am proud to say that when we are in the store and the kids see fruit snacks, or something of this nature, they know not to even ask. And then if one does, the other says..."That's not saving the planet, look at all the packaging" Yep...then I walk through the store with the biggest grin...Yes, those are MY kids, Thank you.
One of the bags I made for our trips to the store. I plan on selling more of them next year at the Earth Day Celebration CSR puts on -A great day full of green ideas and activities. (check my web roll on the right for more info on CSR)
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.
I got this the other day:
"No bag?" (clerk)
"Nope, I can carry it." (me)
"Are you sure? Do you need help" (clerk)
"Ah, ya....it's two things." (me)
I think somehow we forgot that we have arms. I haven't get gotten cloth bags (yet), but I re-use my paper and plastic again and again. Putting them right back into the car helps.
Good post! Shannon
Right after I posted that I was given two cloth bags that are perfect for keepin' round for small grocery trips, etc. Kid you not. They had no idea what I just wrote! How neat is that. Shannon
Hi Myshell (and Lance),
I did find my way back and saw the Snake River entry before it was replaced by your most recent posts.
Re the Snake River pix; it looks like someone was involved in “real kayaking”. Was that Lance in the blue double hull, almost sitting on its side? Good one.
My most recent kayaking adventure, two weeks ago in Fenelon Falls, Ontario, took place on a peaceful waterway, part of the extensive Trent-Severn canal system. A person could spend several weeks kayaking from lake to lake, interconnected by scenic canals and rivers. (One more in a long list of personal goals.)
Your addition of extra links and info was helpful (i.e. related to the Murtaugh section and re drive-ins).
The shots from the drive-in screen reminded me of the time a fellow and I bumped heads under the dashboard of his car because we were frightened by the same scene from Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, starring Bette Davis (I think!). Not a proud moment, though we both laughed all the way home. Way before your time!
Cheers, crème brulee, also found at www.thelondoner.ca/city/harris.htm (a weekly column, in which I also wrote a recent article re plastic bags. On the same wavelength!)
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